Monday, September 22, 2008

lol // randoms.

my first attempt using the manual settings. weird? yea i was too lazy to learn how to use or adjusting the focus settings & all.. haha ive no idea!! ill ask my hubby for basic introduction about it later on! ahha sasak tah ya ni krng! lol but i guess my mood today was gay. haa.. it wasnt bad at all hehe just a lil bit of adjusting for a wonderful shot. :)

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

spiderweb everywhere!!

salam. hi all havent update since last mnth! yep im uberly busy :) besides busy baking cakes & biscuits, we also finally managed to send our son's nanny back, not to indon but to where she wanted to work with! weird lol. demanding hantap!! bascially shes not our maid plang konon pasal its not us yg pay her. but then she was paid to take care of our son and also to help me with house chores..? yelah, udah tau yg bukan kami yg pay her monthly so shes kinda neglecting in a way! bedulur jua sudah. makin di dulur makin menjadi lol. bangun pukul 7. makan sukati pilih. bedulur berhp. haha anyways, that doesnt matter alhamdulilah everyting doing just fine.. kalau di biarkan arah kami ada yg naik blood pressure leh nya ni! hhaha..

lots of things to say.. but so little time.. ani pun just a quick post! coz im in the middle of membuat cake actually.. :) so i guess ill update lagi ltr k? insyallah..


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