Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Salam guys.. and a BIG HI! hehe sorry its been a month! i guess i'm busy with things.. besides my beloved family ive one big interest now, world of warcraft. *gasp* hehe & guess what? i convinced the hubby to try it out.. made him a trial account and he started playing it too and hes a rogue level 38! *bye bye fear combat* =p

so yeah speaking of it. im still playing my priest, remember rhaynes? no alt yet and shes lvl 62 now!! and also my lil sis midge, shes playing it too after i played it awhile and now midge own a mage lvl 61. she's a very fast learner! i dont really remember that she's intrested in mmorpg games though besides playing RO on and off .. but i definitely remember that shes into console games. definitely a console freak. u name it.. hehe oh!! but then the winner trophy goes to my big brother joul. lol! from console to pc u name it!!

anyways, i finally got the time to update my blog today since the sever is down for bout 6 -+ hours *every tuesday* for maintenance.. hehe i just got back from bandar with my lil bro waki.. we went for sushi and then out for a lil bit of shopping and went back at ard 10pm.. and now im hopelessly waiting for the server is up again! lol im just joking hehe im not saying im addicted to it but i guess im happy that ive something to do apart from doing the house chores and watching TV and besides my son wouldnt want me to watch TV ok.. i know because he want to watch BARNEY and HI-5 and MANNY and THOMAS and AFC!! LOL so here i am giving up the tv for my beloved son.. *cough* im gona post a few pics on my virtual progress. hope u guys enjoy the screen shot =p

my level 40 ding!

hehe thts infra, corleyonne and rhaynes

my first portal to the outlands. rhaynes, infra corleyonne and Euqrad!!

server: jubei thos/.